A couple weeks ago, I had an event planned for my girlfriends and I to go out..sans children...and just have a lovely evening. A couple weeks before our event was to happen, I got a call from Mr. Brad Bustard, of Thanksgiving Ranch, asking if I could come join them for an event out at the ranch to document the evening. I kindly declined, letting him know that I had already had plans and I couldn't work that evening and cancel on my best girls. So naturally, he invited us all out to join them!!! And I've been told, 'that it was better than anything I would've had planned!' Haha.
I didn't tell my friends much except that it would be a nice evening with dinner, drinks, and music. I didn't really tell them where(apparently) or what to expect. I told them to dress nice, show up on time, act classy, be prepared to be photographed(a given with me), and have fun..so much fun.
When we showed up to the ranch we were floored - it is an amazing place with gorgeous views and fabulous people. The barn was decorated with lights, the table was set, and we got a peak at the dessert table. Brad and Christi are amazing hosts and every guest was handed a drink from their choice of Eau Claire Distillery or Wine from Willow Park Wines and Spirits!!! K, it gets better...
The barn was full of smiles and friendly people and we felt so welcomed, meeting some amazing friends and family of the Bustards. The Cheese and Sausage Charcuterie was served while everyone was arriving and mingling and as we were being seated, the salad of fresh orange slices, feta, red onions walnuts was served. It wasn't long after that the Beef Wellingtons made it to the table and seriously, if I wasn't already impressed, I was then. I had never had a beef wellington before but honestly there is nothing like it. Inside, were caramelized onions, blue cheese, spinach, and the mushrooms were so good, not to mention the beef inside was so tender and delicious. To top off that plate was honey maple glazed carrots and black garlic mashed potatoes. I. WAS. STUFFED. Unfortunately I was too full to even take my own dessert BUT I tasted everyone else's. LOL. Our choices were: Turtle Cheesecake with FatAss Caramel Sauce, New York Cheesecake with local berry compote, Chocolate mousse with sugared almonds, and Lemon blueberry cake with fresh lemon curd and lemon buttercream! Phew ...I think I'll have to talk Brad and Christi into having me back for dessert!!
Immediately after dessert, we enjoyed the amazing music that is Hazy Grove - Tynan and Shelly Groves and Terra Hazelton. The talent between the three of them makes me jealous as much as it sends shivers up my spine...I could've listened to them all night.
One of the loveliest evenings - I ate, I smiled, I danced. It made me happy to see all my friends having such a wonderful time and enjoying themselves...they work so hard and give so much to their families and kids and it made my heart so full to see them relaxed and enjoying the moment. Thank you to Brad and Christi and Thanksgiving Ranch for such a great experience - we will be raving about the experience and your cooking...until we come back the next time ;)